Aged Care Advice

Considering Aged Care for yourself or a loved one is extremely difficult. It may seem too early to think about a future you can’t imagine, but planning ahead will give you great peace of mind.

If you or a loved one has reached the stage where some form of aged care is needed, then you’ll have many things to consider. Sometimes family and friends will be able to help with things like shopping, cooking or transport, but there are several professional aged care packages available.

John, our Practice Principal, has a keen interest and truly enjoys assisting clients with any transition into additional care. We will:

  • Understand the financial implications of various aged care solutions
  • Assess your aged care options taking into account your assets and liabilities, Centrelink, tax and estate planning considerations
  • Manage your retirement strategy and provide you with a long-term income plan

By thinking ahead early, you can consider alternative options and put a plan in place that reduces the emotional stress for you and your family. We will help you reach the right outcome so you can live the best life you can – whether it’s in your own home or a care facility. We will specifically develop a plan for you which considers the impact of aged care on your loved ones financial affairs. We also have positive relationships making any transition as smooth as possible.

When considering Aged Care your first consultation with us is complementary. After determining your needs and objectives with you, we will be able to provide you with a highly competitive and fixed fee quote for our personalised Aged Care advice.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8294 4277 or email us at