Young Independents

You are gaining financial independence and saving for the next best thing - either a car, an overseas adventure or for your first home. You have no dependents and your first priority is furthering your career to support your savings as well as a relatively expensive social and recreational lifestyle.

Set out below are examples of what you need to consider when managing your affairs. Starting a financial plan to help you map out how to best manage these matters is a great start. Why not ask us how we can help you work out the best plan for you?

Things to consider:

Protecting income in the event of accident or illness to be able to fund:

  • Rent
  • Bills and Cost of Living
  • Lifestyle
  • Saving for home deposit and travel
  • Education
  • Financial independence
  • Debt repayments

Starting an investment portfolio and or a savings plan to work towards:

  • Purchasing first home/car
  • Traveling overseas
  • Education costs
  • Building wealth over the long term

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8294 4277 or email us at