Our Process

Our 7-Step consulting process is intended to take our clients on a journey of education and empowerment to allow them to make informed choices regarding their financial future.
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Step 1 – The First Interview

The first step allows you to get to know us and for us to get to know you. Issues that are concerning you are discussed and we will outline the services we can provide to address these concerns. In this step, we make you fully aware of our capabilities and provide educational support to assist you in understanding the scope of services we offer to help you meet your objectives.

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Step 2 – Collect Information

The value of any financial plan depends on the quality and accuracy of the information upon which the plan is based. Make sure you give us up to date information. For us to provide you with the best possible advice, we then review your financial position and personal circumstances. This involves detailing your assets, liabilities, cashflows, work circumstances, superannuation arrangements, insurances and estate planning.

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Step 3 – Set Goals and Objectives

The next step is to prepare short, medium and long-term objectives. A second meeting will normally be required to discuss and clarify any issues in more depth

It is at this point that, together we will establish precisely what you want from us and reach agreement on the Terms of Engagement – the written contract relating to our services. Your approval of the terms and cost of the engagement is required before we proceed to the next step.

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Step 4 – Formulate Strategy

The strategy is developed to achieve the objectives that are set. We will recommend a strategy or a combination of strategies devised to achieve your goals within the agreed risk and time framework. Your financial planner will then present a written report (known as the Statement of Advice (SOA) ) to you. The written report will include appropriate products and services tailored to your circumstances.

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Step 5 – Select Appropriate Products and Services

Review and revise the plan at regular intervals, or when circumstances change. Whatever suits your financial situation.

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Step 6 – Implement Strategy

The plan is now ready to be implemented and all the necessary paperwork completed. Our implementation team will co-ordinate all documents and/or other requirements in to complete the implementation.

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Step 7 – Portfolio Review Service

It is essential that your financial plan is reviewed and refined to ensure the plan stays on track and that your goals are achieved.

It is therefore essential you select the MPM Wealth Management Ongoing Review Service. The cost of this service will be quoted in your original Statement of Advice.

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